Standing: C. B. Perkins, G. Allan Hancock. H. M. Wegeforth, Waldo Schmitt
Sitting: Ray Elliott, Jr., Louis Filley, W. Charles Swett, George Hugh Banning, Sterling Smith, Hermann Marsh, Fred C. Ziesenhenne, John S. Garth
In Bulletin of the Zoological Society of San Diego, No. 10: “Hancock Expedition to the Galápagos Islands, 1933” General Report by George Hugh Banning

Standing: C. McLean Fraser, G. Allan Hancock, Waldo Schmitt,
Fred Ziesenhenne, E. O. Palmer, W. Charles Swett
Sitting: W. R. Taylor, H. W. Manter, Emil Jensen, John S. Garth
In Third Galapagos Trip of the Velero III in the Winter of 1933-1934
by Edwin O. Palmer, M. D.

Ray Elliott, Jr.
In Third Galapagos Trip of the Velero III in the Winter of 1933-1934
by Edwin O. Palmer, M. D.

Center, standing at rear: Kalle (Karl) Hallikainen
Lower right (in white shirt) Albert George Driver, Steward
(1932 photo; Others not yet identified)

