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                            WAR DEPARTMENT
                    THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE      JJF/ek/2B-932

AG 680.25                                  December 9, 1942

   Subject:  Protection of Wild Life in Galapagos Islands.

   To     :  Commanding General,
                  Caribbean Defense Command,
                      Quarry Heights, Canal Zone.

                      1. The Department of State has requested the War
     Department to bring to your attention the enclosed memorandum on
     the above subject prepared by the Assistant Secretary of the Smith-
     sonian Institution.

                      2. It is desired that you take appropriate action
     to prevent any unnecessary molestation of the wild life in the
     Galapagos Archipelago and to prohibit the introduction of domestic
     animals that may prey on the native fauna.

                         By order of the Secretary of War:

                                           JOHN R. DAILY
                                           Adjutant General.

1 Incl.
  Copy of Memorandum,
  November 20, 1942, fm
  Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian