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RESOLUTION XIV, Naval and Air Bases.


     A.  The American Republics, in the interests of
common security, have cooperated in the establishment
and use of naval and air bases in the Hemisphere
during the present war; and

     B.  In view of future uncertainties, now is the
time to plan an integrated system of bases to ensure
the permanent security of the Western Hemisphere,

     The Inter-American Defense Board, in its Fiftieth
Plenary Session, 14 March 1944,


     1.  To record the gratification of the Board for the
successful arrangements made by the American Republics for
the establishment and use of naval and air bases during
the present war.

     2.  To recommend to the Governments of the American

     a  That the splendid cooperation that has had such bene-
ficial results during the present war, be continued in the
post-war period;
     b  That existing naval and air bases that are essential
for the permanent security of the Western Hemisphere as a
whole be maintained in efficient operating condition and safe-
guarded against loss of usefulness, even after the war, by
the Governments of the respective countries;

     c  That as circumstances may warrant improvements be
made in the present system of bases through cooperative
action of the Governments concerned, but always under the
supervision and administration of the Government of the
country to which the bases belong;

     d  That the American Republics enter into agreements
for the reciprocal use of those operational facilities within
their territories that are of high strategic importance to



hemispheric defense so that common security against
possible future aggesssion may be assured; and

     e  That, in view of the uncertainties of the future,
an integrated system of bases to guarantee the security
of the Hemisphere be planned, such system to be reviewed

     3.  To inform the Governments that, after Resolution
XII, Study of Hemisphere Air Power, has been carried out,
the Board will again return to the study of air operating